When we covered the topic ‘Shining a Light on Reporting’ we gave an insight into the ideal way to collect indicators from all front line staff, which will show the Leadership Team how well the business is coping with what they are already doing. We talked about collecting indicators across performance, governance, control, risk and audit issues. We do this to help business owners make the best-informed decisions that they can.
One of the challenges to achieving the most accurate, real-time data is empowering your staff to tell it how it really is. This is a cultural challenge, because in any environment where you are collecting and measuring information from your frontline staff and escalating it to the most senior decision makers in the organisation, there is an element of ‘fear’. This is difficult to overcome, especially where grading or traffic light coding is used. Often we use green, amber and red colour coding to indicate how dangerous or compliant or well any given area is performing. So how do leaders overcome this barrier?
They need to show, acceptance, responsibility, accountability and support. In fact some of the keys to this come from leaders who are comfortable enough to admit that they also fail or flounder themselves. That they need to be brave and they need their staff to contribute and that they are seen to be bringing solutions, resolutions and support to their front line when they do report honestly. There needs to be a large amount of humility from the Board. A Board, which actively encourages input and values its staff as being integral to the success of the business is one that will reap the rewards of collective intelligence. Here is some ‘blue sky’ thinking…. How about the Leadership Team reporting down to the frontline as well as the frontline reporting up?