‘If you don’t know where you are going, then any road will do’ .

On the other hand, you may have begun with a sound business strategy, or an objective and find that you have now reached a point where you want to demonstrate that you have achieved that purpose, so that you can persuade your key stakeholders to consider adding something new? In this case it would be helpful to find a way to ‘showcase’ your achievements to date.
Brexit and Corona Virus are typical reasons for wanting to review your business in 2020. These world wide and geopolitical events could lead you to consider a business review or to think about a change in operations or a new direction for your business, although we shouldn’t lose site of the opportunities that could be created by further uncertainty, after these events have passed. In ‘normal’ circumstances it wouldn’t be unusual for organisations to regularly consider opportunities for branching out into a new sector, or responding to industry changes and new regulations anyway. Whilst we are becoming more adaptive, it has been said that Managers would benefit from adding time to their diaries regularly, to focus purely on change ….. even when change isn’t imminent.

If you want to move forward, it helps to stand back first and see a birds-eye view of your organisation now. Drawing out your current operating model will help you to map out your business functions, the processes that exist within each and who is currently accountable for what. This could also help you to begin to visualise the changes and growth that you want to achieve going forward. We would call this a Target Operating Model (TOM).